Automatically follow-up in Gmail with prospects that don’t reply to your first email

01 Set up follow-ups that automatically send if your prospect doesn’t reply.
02 In case of a reply, scheduled follow-ups are automatically cancelled.
03 Use together with Templates to apply your most effective follow-ups with one click.

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250,000+ professionals added Right Inbox to Gmail for next-level email productivity

Upgrade Gmail with Email Sequences

Install Right Inbox It's free!

You can forget to follow up, because Right Inbox won’t

Never again worry about dropping the ball on your outreach efforts. Schedule your follow-ups in Gmail beforehand and leave the robot work to Right Inbox so you can focus on building relations when recipients do reply.

Follow Up
Automatically Cancelled

Follow-ups are cancelled automatically if you get
a reply

As soon as a recipient replies and it’s time for you to step in, Right Inbox will automatically cancel all scheduled follow-ups. No need to worry about the robot taking over the conversation.

Pair with your best templates for machine-like productivity

When it comes to following up, you’ll often find yourself in similar situations. Save your most effective follow-ups with Templates so you can insert them with one click and win even more time.
Like a Post-it

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the email sequences feature do?

The Email Sequences feature allows you to send follow-up emails to a prospect if they don’t reply to your last email.

If you do receive a reply, then all your scheduled follow-ups are immediately canceled – you don’t have to do a thing.

How do I use email sequences?

  1. Make sure to have the extension for Right Inbox installed.
  2. Open up a new Gmail compose window and click the Sequence button in the top ribbon. Then click Manage Sequences.
  3. Give your sequence a name that you will remember in the future – be as descriptive as possible.
  4. Choose your email trigger and the amount of time that you want to pass before that trigger activates the next email.
  5. Enter the body of your email.
  6. Click Save and Activate.
    1. You can create more than one sequence, so just follow the process again for your next sequence.

What would I use email sequences for?

There are tons of inventive ways and scenarios in which people use email sequences. Still, some of the most common reasons are for people in Sales or Outreach.

You can trigger emails to follow up with a prospect or a journalist without considering who you have and haven’t emailed. A follow-up email might be asking whether the recipient has received the email and whether they're interested. If the recipient doesn’t respond to that second email, you might want to send one saying that you won’t contact them again.

How do I install email sequences?

To instal email sequences, simply head over to the Chrome store and click the install button. It’s as easy as that.

How to automate follow-up emails in Gmail?

Use the Email Sequences feature to create a response email that will automatically be sent if the recipient does not respond.

You can specify the amount of time to wait before the follow-up email is sent, and it will automatically be canceled if the recipient responds before that time.

Which is the best email sequencing tool?

Right Inbox is the best email sequencing for several reasons. Here are just a few:

  • Custom Sequences: create custom sequences that adjust to user behavior (such as whether a recipient opened or clicked your previous email).
  • Automated Followup: pair follow-up sequences with email blasts to send the best message to each recipient based on what they've received before.
  • Avoid Unnecessary Email: if your recipient replies to your previous email, your follow-up emails are canceled to avoid appearing canned or prewritten.

Can you turn off automated email follow-ups?

Yes, with Right Inbox you can turn off automated follow-ups at any time. And if your recipient responds before your automated follow-up is scheduled to be sent, it will cancel itself automatically to save you time.

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Add to Gmail It's free!

“Fantastic add-on. Highly recommended. Google should actually buy it and make this a standard Gmail feature.”

ARTHUR BERNARDES Consultant, Mexico

“I love this app! I've been using it for a few years now, on multiple emails and it just works great. Easy to use and super effective to customize communications. ”

BONNIE EDSON Business Owner, United States

“This add-on does exactly what it says and works very well. It brings features to Gmail that should have been part of Gmail from the start. Great addition for both business and personal communication. ”

SEAN WHELLER Business Owner, South Africa

“Love it! Simple, clean, everything you need and nothing you don’t. Super stable, and easy to use on multiple PC / Mac’s.”

CHRISTOPHER SALTZBURG Sales Consultant, United States